Preventing Online Fraud with Digital Fingerprinting

Preventing Online Fraud with Digital Fingerprinting

Every individual is unique; from DNA makeup to personality, even one’s online presence is particular and can’t be duplicated 100%. As experts in the space of contact data ...
What is CASS-Certification?

What is CASS-Certification?

Have you ever sent a letter without a stamp or with spelling mistakes or typos in the address? You know what happens: the letter comes back to you, ...
Get the Most from Direct Mailings with Quality Data

Get the Most from Direct Mailings with Quality Data

You cannot expect a good response from the direct mail aspect of your campaign unless you are working with good quality data. It doesn’t matter how good your ...
Who's Your CDQO (Chief Data Quality Officer)?

Who’s Your CDQO (Chief Data Quality Officer)?

Your company likely has a CEO, COO, and CFO. It might even have a CRO and a CISO, but does it have a CDQO (Chief Data Quality Officer)? ...