Demographics for Email

Demographics for Email

What an email may say about your potential customers Today’s marketer knows that the keys to increased conversion and awareness is understanding your target audience and creating a ...
Service Objects integrations can help improve your contact data quality, help with data validation, and enhance your business operations.

New Contact Validation Design References for Microsoft CRM, Microsoft SQL & Oracle DB

Our development team has been working hard on some new design references in an effort to make our contact validation services easier to integrate.  Many services can be ...
Email Append - The Good. The Bad. And the Ugly.

Email Append – The Good. The Bad. And the Ugly.

Because of the prevalence of multi-channel marketing, email append has become a widely used method for companies to build their in-house email database with permission-based addresses. It’s one ...
No image, text reads Service Objects Tutorials

Failover of Contact Validation Services, Ensuring the Continuous Flow of Your Data

Many companies talk about up-time and service level agreements that look great on paper but don’t perform up to customer expectations in a crisis. A good backup process, ...