Getting Started
Developer Guides
Each of our services have been fully documented by our developers to give pertinent information in regards to each service’s description, inputs, outputs, error types, and more. The developer guides will serve as an integration roadmap for implementing our services within your application. If you still have questions you may contact us at at any time for more assistance.
Third Party Integrations
Find guides here on integrating Service Objects Web Services within CRM platforms, Database Systems, and Third Party Mashup Services. These are not designed to be plugins or complete solutions but to serve as a guide or how-to to get started integrating with one of these platforms.
Failover Configuration
For high availability of its web services Service Objects maintains a failover backup data center that is identical to our primary data center. The failover data center designed to increase the availability of our web services in the event of a network or routing issue. For a more detailed description of what to do in an emergency, please visit the failover configuration page on our website: The following gives an overview of our production and backup data centers.

For most clients, simply updating their application to use our backup data center hostname should immediately restore connectivity. Your existing DOTS license key is already permitted to use our backup data center and no further actions should be needed.
In the unlikely event a significant network failure occurs and we determine our primary data center has failed we will update our DNS record to temporarily redirect primary hostname to our backup data center. No changes are required to your code.