Identical to the ValidateAddressWithDPV operation but also accepts a business name in order to attempt to append Suite data. Also returns parsed and validated address elements including Delivery Point Validation.

URL Endpoints

ValidateAddressWithSLK Inputs

BusinessNameStringName of business associated with this address. Used to append Suite data.
AddressStringAddress line of the address to validate. 
For example, “123 Main Street”.
Address2StringThe Address2 of the address to validate.  This will only be used in particular situations where the Address1 does not help in validating the address.
CityStringThe city of the address to validate.
For example, “New York”.  The city isn’t required, but if one is not provided, the Zip code is required.
StateStringThe state of the address to validate.  For example, “NY”.  This does not need to be contracted, full state names will work as well.  The state isn’t required, but if one is not provided, the Zip code is required.
PostalCodeStringThe zip code of the address to validate.  A zip code isn’t required, but if one is not provided, the City and State are required.
LicenseKeyStringYour license key to use the service. 
Sign up for a free trial key at

ValidateAddressWithSuiteLink Outputs


SuiteLinkAddressSuiteLinkAddressVariesThe corrected address.
ErrorErrorVariesError object indicating why the service could not return a result. See “Errors” below for more information.


AddressStringVariesThe corrected Address line 1.
CityStringVariesThe corrected city name.
StateStringVariesThe corrected state name.
ZipStringVariesThe corrected zip code + 4.
Address2StringVariesThe corrected Address line 2.
BarcodeDigits [1]StringVaries

The post office delivery barcode digits.

Barcode Example: 931011445011

Zip+4Deliver Point CodeChecksum Digit
CarrierRouteString4 chars4 chars: 1 for the route type, 3 for the route code. Identifies a group of addresses when prepended by 5-digit Zip.
CongressCodeStringVariesThe congress code is the congressional district number.
CountyCodeStringVariesThe county code of the given address.
CountyNameStringVariesThe name of the county in which the given address lies.

The parsed house number of the given address.

123 in 123 North Main St West Apt A


The parsed pre-directional of the address's street

North in 123 North Main St West Apt A


The parsed name of the street in the given address

Main in 123 North Main St West Apt A


The parsed suffix of the street in the given address

St in 123 North Main St West Apt A


The parsed post-directional of the address's street

West in 123 North Main St West Apt A

FragmentUnitStringVariesThe parsed unit type (e.g. “Apt” or “Ste”)
FragmentStringVariesThe parsed “Fragment” box, apartment or unit number. Same as FragmentPMBNumber.

The parsed type of the apartment, box, unit, etc

Apt in 123 North Main St West Apt A


The parsed apartment, box, unit, etc. number of the given address.

123 in 123 North Main St West Apt A

DPV [2]String1-8Number that correlates to a DPV result.
DPVDescStringVariesExplains DPV result.
DPVNotesString1-14Number that correlates to DPV notes description.
DPVNotesDescStringVariesDetails about the DPV result.
CorrectionsString1-43Number that correlates to a Corrections Description.
CorrectionsDescStringVariesDescription of what was corrected in an address.
