URL Endpoints

GetInternationalExchangeInfo Inputs

PhoneNumberStringThe phone number to be parsed, validated and formatted. The phone number may include extension as well. If no country is provided, the country code should be provided in the phone number.
CountryStringThe Country to be validated using provided phone number. Acceptable Country formats are: ISO2 (Preferred), ISO3, Full Country Name, Variant of Full Country Name, I.P. of region where phone number was collected.
LicenseKeyStringYour license key to use the service.
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GetInternationalExchangeInfo Outputs

InternationalExchangeInfoInternationalExchangeInfo[]VariesArray of InternationalExchangeInfo results. See InternationalExchangeInfo description below.
ErrorErrorVariesError object indicating why the service could not return a result. See “Errors” page for more information.
PhoneNumberInStringThe phone number that was provided as input.
CountryCodeStringThe country code of the provided phone number.
FormatNationalStringThe provided phone number in a national format.
ExtensionStringThe parsed extension from the provided phone number.
LocalityStringThe locality from where the phone number belongs. The locality format is generally Locale/Region, Region or Country.
LocalityMatchLevelStringThe match level that was determined from the locality that was found. Possible values include (Locale/Region, Region, Country) match.
TimeZoneStringThe Time Zone of the validated phone number
LatitudeStringThe latitude of the locality determined from the phone number.
LongitudeStringThe longitude of the locality determined from the phone number.
CountryStringThe country to which the validated phone number belongs.
CountryISO2StringThe ISO 2 character country designation for a validated phone number.
CountryISO3StringThe ISO 3 character country designation for a validated phone number.
FormatInternationalStringThe provided phone number in international format.
FormatE164StringThe provided phone number in E.164 format.
LineTypeStringThe linetype determined for the phone number. See InternationalExchangeInfo LineType table below.
SMSAddressStringThe SMS gateway address for the provided mobile number
MMSAddressStringThe MMS gateway address for the provided mobile number
IsValidBooleanA boolean response type determining whether the phone number is a valid phone number.
IsValidForRegionBooleanA boolean response type determining whether the phone number is a valid phone number for the provided Country.
NoteCodesStringThe corresponding codes which match NoteDescriptions. These values vary from 1 to 6 based on test results. See Codes, Notes and Corrections.
NoteDescriptionsStringThe corresponding descriptions which match NoteCodes. These values vary based on NoteCodes. See Codes, Notes and Corrections.

Line Types

UNKNOWNThe line type could not be determined for the given phone number.
PREMIUM_RATEThe phone number is assigned at a premium rate. Typically goods or services are charged to the phone number.
TOLL_FREEThe phone number is assigned as a toll-free number
SHARED_COSTThe phone number is assigned as shared cost. A call to this number is shared by the recipient.
VOIPThe phone number is registered to a VOIP provider.
PERSONAL_NUMBERThe phone number is registered as a personal number.
PAGERThe phone number is registered to a pager device.
UANThe phone number is registered as a Universal Access Number.
VOICEMAILThe phone number is registered to a voicemail service.
FIXED_LINEThe phone number is registered to a fixed line provider (POTS).
FIXED_LINE_OR_MOBILEThe phone number is registered to a carrier that offers Fixed and Mobile services.
MOBILEThe phone number is registered to a carrier that offers Mobile services.
