Authentication, 401

AuthID has expired.

The AuthID has expired and action is required, please contact

For an expired AuthID please reach out to and either have the expiration extended or have a new AuthID generated.

AuthID is required.

AuthID is needed to make requests against the service.

Make sure that you are making requests to the service using the AuthID provided to you by service objects, it is one of the required input parameters.

AuthID not found.

A correct AuthID is needed to make requests against the service.

The service didn’t find your AuthID. Check for potential data entry errors. Make sure you are using the AuthID provided to you by Service Objects. Also, often clients using multiple Service Objects APIs use an AuthID on a service it is not compatible with. Each API we offer will have it’s own AuthID.

AuthID does not work for this service.

This AuthID does not work for this service.

Perhaps you have the wrong AuthID in your request to the service. Make sure you are using the AuthID provided to you by Service Objects. Also, often clients using multiple Service Objects APIs use an AuthID on a service it is not compatible with. Each API we offer will have it’s own AuthID. If you find this to be incorrect please reach out to

API access not activated.

API access has not been activated or has been deactivated.

If you find this to be incorrect please reach out to and request assistance.

API access has expired.

Access to the API has expired, please contact

Please reach out to and request assistance to help restore access.

Daily transaction maximum met.

The daily maximum transactions available on your AuthID has been reached.

Check with your team on any limits your organization has enforced on this API access. Or, reach out to and request assistance to help restore access.

Monthly transaction maximum met.

The monthly maximum transactions available on your AuthID has been reached.

Check with your team on any limits your organization has enforced on this API access. Or, reach out to and request assistance to help restore access.

Total transaction maximum met.

The total maximum transactions available on your AuthID has been reached.

Check with your team on any limits your organization has enforced on this API access. Or, reach out to and request assistance to help restore access.

No origin domain detected.

This PID requires specific domains to run against, no origin domain found.

PIDs are locked down by domain and this PID requires one but it’s missing. If you need to test internally or need to change some of the restriction attributes please contact

Origin domain or pid not allowed.

This PID requires specific domains to run against or this PID is not allowed for this service.

PIDs are locked down by domain and this PID requires one but it’s missing. Or this PID is not the correct PID for this service. If you need to test internally or need to change some of the restriction attributes please contact

Origin domain not allowed.

This PID requires specific domains to run against; this domain does not have access to this API.

If you need to test internally or need to change some of the restriction attributes please contact

General, 500

General server side error.

This is a general server side error, please contact

Please contact