The SendSMS operation sends a text message containing a verification code to the phone number specified. Applications should require the end user to enter the same code to verify he is accessible via this phone number.

URL Endpoints

SendSMS Inputs

CountryCodeStringCountryCode of the destination phone number
PhoneNumberStringPhone number to be verified.
MessageStringYour verification message, containing a random code
LicenseKeyStringYour license key

Important Notes!

  • As of May 1, 2010, the only CountryCode supported is 1 (USA and Canada). As more CountryCodes are supported, the cost for the SendSMS operation may be determined by destination countries or regions.
  • The contents of the Message input must be no more than 140 characters. Most commonly-used characters are supported, such as alphanumeric, punctuation, and most characters you can type on a cell phone. Unsupported characters will be removed from the Message. For a list of supported characters, see Appendix A – Supported SMS Characters.
  • We recommend a simple Message string, such as “Your verification code is: XXX” to verify phone numbers. You should generate your codes randomly (do not generate them from a system’s internal clock, for example). The verification codes should be stored in server-side session variables or in a database—they should remain unknown to the end user except through the text message. For example, do not use a form variable to post the verification code from page to page.

SendSMS Outputs

DescriptionstringA brief description of the CountryCode + PhoneNumber prefix.
TokensUsedintNumber of tokens consumed in this request (see Appendix B).
TransactionIDstringUnique identifier for this request.
MessagestringThe same message input to the operation; for your reference.
DebugstringUtility field; safe to ignore.
ErrorErrorSee Errors