This operation is almost exactly like GetPhoneInfo, but only returns only the information regarding the contact to which the phone is registered. 
Although the WSDL may suggest that carrier information may be given by this operation, this is not the case; carrier information will never be returned.

URL Endpoints

GetContactInfo Inputs

PhoneNumberStringThe phone number to be used for reverse-lookup information.
LicenseKeyStringYour license key to use the service.
Sign up for a free trial key at

GetContactInfo Outputs

Name (Contact)StringVariesThe name that the phone line is registered to. Can either be a person (“John Doe”) or a business (“Doe Corporation”).
Address (Contact)StringVariesThe street address to which the phone line is registered.
City (Contact)StringVariesThe city to which the phone line is registered.
State (Contact)StringVariesThe state to which the phone line is registered.
Zip (Contact)StringVariesThe zip code to which the phone line is registered.
Type (Contact)StringResidential / Business / UnknownThe type of entity that owns the phone line, will be either “Residential” or “Business”.
ErrorErrorVariesSee “Errors“.
