URL Endpoints

FindBestCountry Inputs

CompanyNameStringThe contacts company name. e.g. Service Objects *** This value is not currently used by the service.
FullNameStringThe contact’s full name. e.g. Jane Doe *** This value is not currently used by the service.
FirstNameStringFirst name of the contact. e.g. Jane *** This value is not currently used by the service.
LastNameStringLast name of the contact. e.g. Doe *** This value is not currently used by the service.
Address1StringThe address line 1 of the contact or business address.
Address2StringThe address line 2 of the contact or business address.
Address3StringThe address line 3 of the contact or business address.
Address4StringThe address line 4 of the contact or business address.
Address5StringThe address line 5 of the contact or business address.
Address6StringThe address line 6 of the contact or business address.
Address7StringThe address line 7 of the contact or business address.
Address8StringThe address line 8 of the contact or business address.
LocalityStringThe locality of the contact’s postal address, such as a city, town, village or other type of municipality.
AdminAreaStringThe name of the administrative division of the contact’s postal address. Commonly the primary division of a country, such as a State, Region, Province, County, Territory or Prefecture.
PostalCodeStringThe contact’s postal address postal code or its equivalent, such as a ZIP code (US), PLZ (DE, AU, and CH), PIN code (IN) and CAP (IT).
Phone1StringThe contact’s primary phone number. e.g. office number
Phone2StringThe contact’s secondary phone number. e.g. fax number
Phone3StringThe contact’s tertiary phone number. e.g. direct number
EmailStringThe contact’s email address.
IPAddressStringThe contact’s IP address in IPv4. (IPv6 coming in a future release).
DomainStringWebsite domain associated with the business. e.g. serviceobjects.com *** This value is not currently used by the service.
LicenseKeyStringYour license key to use the service. This is a required value.
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FindAddress Outputs

CountryDetectionCountryDetectionVariesThe country detection object that returns query status and a Best Country if one was found.
ErrorErrorVariesError object indicating why the service could not return a result. See “Errors” below for more information.
Indicates if the request was successfully able to find a best matching country for the contact or not.
TotalScoreString0-100Returns a score between 0 and 100.
The score is based on the number of contact components submitted. Some components are worth more than others. For example, the address component will have a higher score than the email component. The more contact component input values that are given, the greater the likelihood for the service to return a high score.
NotesString or NULLSee “Note Codes & Descriptions” for possible values and details.Comma-separated list of descriptive note codes.
NotesDescString or NULLSee “Note Codes & Descriptions” for possible values and details.Comma-separated list of descriptions that correspond to the Notes output.
WarningsString or NULLSee “Warning Codes & Descriptions” for possible values and details.Comma-separated list of warning codes.
WarningsDescString or NULLSee “Warning Codes & Descriptions” for possible values and details.Comma-separated list of descriptions that correspond to the Warnings output.
Best_CountryName [1]String or NULLVariesThe name of the country that best matches the contact.
Best_CountryLocalNameString or NULLVaries*The endonym or autonym of the best matching country for the contact. This is the internal name used by the locals of the country. e.g. Germany is Deutschland
Best_CountryISO2String or NULLVariesThe ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Country Code of the country that best macthes the contact as a whole.
Best_CountryISO3String or NULLVariesThe ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 Country Code of the country that best macthes the contact as a whole.
Address_ScoreString or NULLVariesRepresents the score of the contact’s address component and how much it contributes to the total score.
Address_CountryNameString or NULLVariesThe name of the country that best matches the contact’s address component.
Address_CountryLocalNameString or NULLVaries*The endonym or autonym of the country that best matches the contact’s address component.
Address_CountryISO2String or NULLVariesThe ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Country Code of the country that best matches the contact’s address component.
Address_CountryISO3String or NULLVariesThe ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 Country Code of the country that best matches the contact’s address component.
Address_AllCountriesFoundISO2String or NULLVariesA comma-separated list of ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Country Codes for all the countries that matched the contact’s address component.
Phone1_ScoreString or NULLVariesRepresents the score of the contact’s phone1 component and how much it contributes to the total score.
Phone1_CountryNameString or NULLVariesThe name of the country that best matches the contact’s phone1 component.
Phone1_CountryLocalNameString or NULLVaries*The endonym or autonym of the country that best matches the contact’s phone1 component.
Phone1_CountryISO2String or NULLVariesThe ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Country Code of the country that best matches the contact’s phone1 component.
Phone1_CountryISO3String or NULLVariesThe ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 Country Code of the country that best matches the contact’s phone1 component.
Phone1_AllCountriesFoundISO2String or NULLVariesA comma-separated list of ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Country Codes for all the countries that matched the contact’s phone1 component.
Phone2_ScoreString or NULLVariesRepresents the score of the contact’s phone2 component and how much it contributes to the total score.
Phone2_CountryNameString or NULLVariesThe name of the country that best matches the contact’s phone2 component.
Phone2_CountryLocalNameString or NULLVaries*The endonym or autonym of the country that best matches the contact’s phone2 component.
Phone2_CountryISO2String or NULLVariesThe ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Country Code of the country that best matches the contact’s phone2 component.
Phone2_CountryISO3String or NULLVariesThe ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 Country Code of the country that best matches the contact’s phone2 component.
Phone2_AllCountriesFoundISO2String or NULLVariesA comma-separated list of ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Country Codes for all the countries that matched the contact’s phone2 component.
Phone3_ScoreString or NULLVariesRepresents the score of the contact’s phone3 component and how much it contributes to the total score.
Phone3_CountryNameString or NULLVariesThe name of the country that best matches the contact’s phone3 component.
Phone3_CountryLocalNameString or NULLVaries*The endonym or autonym of the country that best matches the contact’s phone3 component.
Phone3_CountryISO2String or NULLVariesThe ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Country Code of the country that best matches the contact’s phone3 component.
Phone3_CountryISO3String or NULLVariesThe ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 Country Code of the country that best matches the contact’s phone3 component.
Phone3_AllCountriesFoundISO2String or NULLVariesA comma-separated list of ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Country Codes for all the countries that matched the contact’s phone3 component.
IPAddress_ScoreString or NULLVariesRepresents the score of the contact’s IP address component and how much it contributes to the total score.
IPAddress_CountryNameString or NULLVariesThe name of the country that best matches the contact’s IP address component.
IPAddress_CountryLocalNameString or NULLVaries*The endonym or autonym of the country that best matches the contact’s IP address component.
IPAddress_CountryISO2String or NULLVariesThe ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Country Code of the country that best matches the contact’s IP address component.
IPAddress_CountryISO3String or NULLVariesThe ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 Country Code of the country that best matches the contact’s IP address component.
IPAddress_AllCountriesFoundISO2String or NULLVariesA comma-separated list of ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Country Codes for all the countries that matched the contact’s IP address component.
Email_ScoreString or NULLVariesRepresents the score of the contact’s email address component and how much it contributes to the total score.
Email_CountryNameString or NULLVariesThe name of the country that best matches the contact’s email address component.
Email_CountryLocalNameString or NULLVaries*The endonym or autonym of the country that best matches the contact’s email address component.
Email_CountryISO2String or NULLVariesThe ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Country Code of the country that best matches the contact’s email address component.
Email_CountryISO3String or NULLVariesA comma-separated list of ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Country Codes for all the countries that matched the contact’s email address component.
Email_AllCountriesFoundISO2String or NULLVariesA comma-separated list of ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Country Codes for all the countries that matched the contact’s email address component.
* Indicates that the output value is coming soon.


  1. ^ Where In The World – Address Detective International