This operation will validate that a given city-state-zip validate together properly.  The inputs can be marginally incorrect, and this operation will correct them.  For instance, a combination with a valid city, slightly misspelled state, and totally incorrect zip code will be corrected to a valid city – state – zip code combination.

Important Note!
In this case, the corrected zip code will be the “standard” or most common zip code for that city/state.

URL Endpoints

ValidateCityStateZip Inputs

CityStringThe city to validate.
StateStringThe state to validate.
ZIPStringThe ZIP code to validate.
LicenseKeyStringYour license key to use the service. 
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ValidateCityStateZip Outputs


CityStateZipCityStateZipVariesThe validated city state and zip code for information.
ErrorErrorVariesError object indicating why the service could not return a result. See “Errors” below for more information.


CityStringVariesThe corrected city name.
StateStringVariesThe corrected state name.
ZipStringVariesThe corrected zip code.  The standard zip code for the city and state is used if it was corrected.
GeneralDeliveryServiceStringTrue or FalseIndicates whether this location has General Delivery service.
POBoxServiceStringTrue or FalseWhether this location has PO Box service.
StreetServiceStringTrue or FalseIndicates whether this location has Street Delivery service.
RRHCServiceStringTrue or FalseIndicates whether this location has Rural Route / Highway Contract service.
UrbanizationServiceStringTrue or FalseIndicates whether this location has Urbanization service.
POBoxRangeLowStringTrue or FalseIf PO Box service is available in the area, this is its lowest valid PO Box number.
POBoxRangeHighStringTrue or FalseIf PO Box service is available in the area, this is its highest valid PO Box number.
IsUniqueZipCodeStringTrue or FalseIf the Zip code is assigned to a single entity like a University or Government building.