
DOTS Phone Append 2 is an XML web service that provides information about landline telephone numbers. By providing contact name or business name and address information, DOTS Phone Append 2 provides the landline telephone number registered to the supplied information.

With Phone Append 2, users append telephone numbers to existing contact information. This information can be used to improve online applications or as supplemental information for existing databases.


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Sample Code

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Sample Data

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Quick Lookups

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Developer Guide Map

  • Operations
    This section lists the DOTS Phone Append 2 operations and goes into the details behind the inputs and outputs. 
  • Errors
    Similar to  the Codes, Notes, and Corrections section, this section reflects details on the error outputs that can happen with the service.
  • Code Snippets and Sample Code
    Here you’ll find code snippets for various programming languages and frameworks along with links to our sample code page on the web site.
  • Try The API
    This is where you’ll go to take the API for a spin.  There you can test our recommended operation PhoneAppend.
  • Service Reference
    In this section you’ll find all the different endpoints supported by this service, input and output schema information as well as an opportunity to try the other endpoints as well.
  • Frequently Asked Questions
    This is a list of some of the questions we hear more often that you can reference and get answers on right away.

Integration Basics

Integration of DOTS Phone Append 2 into user applications is generally a straightforward process. For common programming platforms, such as ASP, ASP.NET, ColdFusion, PHP, etc., Service Objects will likely have sample code available online:

If the code you seek is not available online, you can ask Service Objects to build a custom example for you. Email for more details.

Web Service Structure:

Web services provide a standard interface to encapsulate tricky business logic. They allow simple integration of applications via the web. Service Objects has followed web services best practices and come up with some of its own standards to ensure that its web services are as easy to integrate and as accessible as possible.

The host path, or physical location of the web service is here:

The location of the WSDL, or Web Service Definition Language document, is here:

The WSDL is an XML document that defines the interaction web service, meaning its inputs, outputs, operations, and the like. Most likely, you will have another tool read this WSDL and make the operations available to you in your application via some type of proxy class. Whenever your utilities or IDE asks for a WSDL path, you can provide this one.

Every web service has operations that it offers to subscribers. These operations, also called methods, contain different functionality and return different outputs. DOTS Phone Append 2 has the operations listed below.