
IsUnknownProviderIsUnknownProvider indicates provider information was unavailable for the provided phone number.
IsPortedIsPorted indicates the provided phone number has been ported to a new or existing carrier. This is common among wireless subscribers, and users who wish to retain their phone number when switching phone device (e.g. Landline to Wireless).
IsTollFreeNumberIsTollFreeNumber indicates the provided number is a Toll Free Access number.
IsGoogleVoiceNumberIsGoogleVoiceNumber indicates the provided number is a registered Google Voice number. There is increased risk for fraud with Google Voice numbers from operators overseas.
IsSkypeNumberIsSkypeNumber indicates the provided number is a registered Skype number. There is increased risk for fraud with Skype numbers from operators overseas.
IsPortableVOIPIsPortableVOIP indicates the registered phone carrier provides local phone number registration without physical address. There is increased risk of fraud with portable voip numbers from operators overseas.
IsPossiblePortableVOIPIsPossiblePortableVOIP indicates the registered phone number is likely assigned to a carrier which provides local phone number registration without physical address. There is increased risk of fraud with portable voip numbers from operators overseas.
IsPrepayPhoneIsPrepayPhone indicates the phone number is assigned to a phone carrier offering prepay services. There is increased risk of fraud with phone numbers identified as prepay.


IsInvalidNumberIsInvalidNumber indicates the phone number is invalid.
SequentialNumbersSequentialNumbers indicates that a sequential series of numbers were present in the phone number.
SequentialNumbersSevereSequentialNumbersSevere indicates a large portion of the phone number contains a sequential series of numbers.
RepeatingPatternRepeatingPattern indicates that a repeated pattern of numbers were present in the phone number.
RepeatingSingleDigitRepeatingSingleDigit indicates that a repeated single digit was present in the phone number.
RepeatingSingleDigitSevereRepeatingSingleDigitSevere indicates a large portion of the phone number contains a repeated single digit.
InputCountryMisMatchInputCountryMisMatch input country didn’t match the country portion of the phone number.
CountryInferredCountryInferred indicates that the country was inferred by the phone number.
CountryNotFoundCountryNotFound indicates that the input country was not found on the phone number.
CountryCodeNotFoundCountryCodeNotFound indicates that the country code was not found on the phone number.