
Intelligence About Location Intelligence: What to Look for In Address Geocoding

If there was a Nobel Prize for business intelligence, a strong contender would be the discovery of the incredible amount of information hiding behind your contact data – including census data, demographics, and above all, geographic information.

All of this data allows you to work with your contact data visually through mapping and location applications. More importantly, it provides critical visibility for geographic or demographic-targeted marketing as well as delivery route optimization, and is often a requirement for compliance with neighborhood-based regulations such as the Fair Housing Act.

There are a range of geocoding applications on the market, and obviously we are rather partial to our own DOTS Address Geocode products – primarily because it is engineered with premium capabilities that support mission-critical business applications like yours. Here is a quick feature summary to help you find YOUR ideal geocoding solution.

What to look for in a geocoding solution

Here are some of the key things to look for in business-quality geocoding:

Location resolution and accuracy. More than any other capability, you want the closest match between addresses and geo-coordinates as possible. With Address Geocode, both addresses and geo-coordinates are validated using a combination of authoritative postal and spatial data to return pinpoint accuracy. It also offers one of the highest levels of coverage for rooftop-level latitude and longitude coordinates for addresses, as well as reverse coding from geo-coordinates to addresses.

Global reach. Address Geocode is available in US, Canada and International versions to suit your customer and lead bases. US versions return data points including census tract, state and county FIPS, block codes, congress codes, time zones, distance to water and more, while Canadian and International versions return 16 levels of precision including points of interest (POI).

Platform integration. The right solution usually involves direct integration with your business platform, where your contact data resides. Address Geocode integrates with major e-commerce, CRM and marketing platforms, using cloud-based API interfaces.

Big data integration. Big data is no longer just a buzz-phrase, but an important part of business intelligence nowadays. For large contact database applications, Address Geocode offers direct integration with big data vendors such as Snowflake and others.

Batch processing. For processing large datasets, we offer batch capabilities as well as our API-based integrations.

Address type detection. Address Geocode – US can detect residential vs business addresses, saving you money on postage and delivery charges.

Above all, you want to benchmark the speed and accuracy of a geocoding tool against your own data. Service Objects offers a free 500-transaction license key as well as expert implementation support, to let you “test-drive” our capabilities on us before you implement.

You aren’t just getting a solution – you’re getting a company

As part of a full suite of solutions for contact data quality, ranging from our flagship Address Validation capabilities to bundled Lead Validation, every Service Objects product comes with 24/7/365 technical support, friendly and knowledgeable product experts, and the industry’s only financially backed 99.999% uptime guarantee – along with a track record of being the choice of many of the world’s leading firms.

Above all, the most important questions to answer about address geocoding solutions are YOUR questions. Contact our team anytime for a free product demonstration and a no-pressure consultation – we respond within 90 minutes during business hours, and are always happy to address your own specific geocoding needs.