Why GPS Coordinates Look Wrong on Maps of China

Why GPS Coordinates Look Wrong on Maps of China

Have you ever tried using Google Maps, Bing or other mapping services to bring up a map of China? If so then you may have noticed that satellite ...
How Address Validation US Standardizes an Address for the USPS

How Address Validation US Standardizes an Address for the USPS

Our DOTS Address Validation US 3 web service works hard to clean up and standardize your addresses to the United States Postal Service (USPS) formatting standards. Why is ...
Meeting USPS Requirements for NCOA Live Change-of-Address Processing

Meeting USPS Requirements for NCOA Live Change-of-Address Processing

Every year, over 40 million people in the United States move and change their addresses with the US Postal Service. Keeping your contact data assets up-to-date with these ...
Status and Resolution Levels in Address Validation - International

Status and Resolution Levels in Address Validation – International

If you are interested in international address validation then you are likely interested in our DOTS Address Validation - International API. This service provides fuzzy matching, corrections and ...
PO Boxes versus Private Mail Boxes (PMBs)

PO Boxes versus Private Mail Boxes (PMBs)

Once upon a time, mail was delivered to residences, workplaces, or a Post Office (PO) box that are provided by the United States Postal Service. More recently, there ...
Understanding Geographic Data in DOTS Address Geocode – US

Understanding Geographic Data in DOTS Address Geocode – US

What does it mean to geocode? Our DOTS Address Geocode – US web service provides latitude and longitude coordinates along with other metadata information about a physical US ...
Address Validation's Alphabet Soup

Address Validation’s Alphabet Soup

The United States Postal Service (USPS) has an acronym for almost everything and this leads to some pretty interesting conversations around the Service Objects' water cooler. You might ...
Canadian Address Validation - In a Nutshell

Canadian Address Validation – In a Nutshell

When Service Objects talks about address validation, we tend to focus on our US and International products, while our Canadian address validation product tends to get less attention ...
Unique Zip Codes - What Are They?

Unique Zip Codes – What Are They?

If you have ever run into a unique ZIP code while doing address lookups or validation, then there is a good chance that they may have caused some ...