Using Lead Validation with CRM Lead Scoring Rules

Using Lead Validation with CRM Lead Scoring Rules

In most CRMs, lead scoring is used to determine the viability and likelihood that a lead will become a paying customer. Generally, lead scores are a sum of ...
Source, Campaign and Capture: A Data Validation Story

Source, Campaign and Capture: A Data Validation Story

From the outside, many people think that marketing is about brand, messaging and pretty pictures - but those with a deeper understanding know that that is only half ...
Leveraging Your Existing Contacts with Lead Validation

Leveraging Your Existing Contacts with Lead Validation

If you work in marketing, you already know that the cost of acquiring new leads and customers far exceeds that of marketing to your existing contact base – ...
Lead Validation: A Sample Use Case

Lead Validation: A Sample Use Case

If you visit this blog regularly, you probably know by now how much contact data quality impacts your marketing efforts. Leads are a very perishable quantity, which are ...
What's New with DOTS Lead Validation

What’s New with DOTS Lead Validation

DOTS Lead Validation is an ever-evolving service that helps companies improve lead quality at the point of entry, using combinations of name, address, email, phone, IP address and ...
Maximizing the Value of Your Leads: A Use Case

Maximizing the Value of Your Leads: A Use Case

What are the best leads for your business? Obviously the ones that purchase your products or services. Understanding what makes up these leads requires data, research and market ...
An Overview of our Address Validation Products

An Overview of our Address Validation Products

Service Objects currently offers a total of 25 data quality products, ranging from contact data validation to detailed sales and use tax calculation. But our roots began in ...
Using Business Logic with Validation Tools

Using Business Logic with Validation Tools

According to Investopedia, business logic is defined as “the custom rules or algorithms that handle the exchange of information between a database and user interface.” In the world ...
What’s in a Name? The Importance of Global Name Validation

What’s in a Name? The Importance of Global Name Validation

A quick online search of the US white pages shows that there are over 1500 real people named George Washington, more than 50 named William Shakespeare, and a ...