
Unlock Comprehensive Customer Insights with Lead Validation – International

In a competitive digital age, insight into your customers is valuable information. Beyond the impact of individual data points, a holistic understanding of how each data point is connected can make for an even greater, more comprehensive understanding of the customer.

One of our most powerful products, DOTS Lead Validation – International, combines the capabilities of several of our DOTS services under the hood:

Combined with the powerful engines of each service working in the background, Lead Validation – International cross-connects the data from each service to provide compelling insights that can go far beyond the individual services themselves. Let’s look at a sample business lead, using myself as an example:


Our Lead Validation – International service excels when provided with a range of inputs, as demonstrated below in this sample contact record.

Name: Alexandra Stuart

Business Name: Service Objects

Address: 136 West Canon Perdido St, Ste D, Santa Barbara, CA, 93101-8207, US

Phone: 1-805-963-1700



Test Type: business


Below is a sample output from Lead Validation – International based on the above inputs.


“OverallCertainty”: “100”,

“OverallQuality”: “Accept”,

“LeadType”: “BUSINESS”,

“LeadCountry”: “US”,

“NoteCodes”: “101,102,103,106,107,108,109,110,111,120”,

“NoteDesc”: “IsNamePhoneMatch, IsPhoneAddressMatch, IsNamePhoneAddressMatch, IsNameEmailMatch, IsPhoneEmailMatch, IsBusinessEmailMatch, IsBusinessGoodEmailMatch, IsNameGoodEmailMatch, IsPhoneContactGoodEmailMatch, IsIPAddressLocationMatchHIGH”,

“NameCertainty”: “100”,

“NameQuality”: “Accept”,

“FirstName”: “Alexandra”,

“LastName”: “Stuart”,

“NameNoteCodes”: “102,103,105,110,111”,

“NameNoteDesc”: “IsFirstNameKnown, IsLastNameKnown, IsFemaleGender, IsCommonFirstName, IsCommonLastName”,

“AddressCertainty”: “80”,

“AddressQuality”: “Accept”,

“AddressResolutionLevel”: “DPV”,

“AddressLine1”: “136 W Canon Perdido St STE D”,

“AddressLine2”: “Santa Barbara, CA 93101-8207”,

“AddressLocality”: “Santa Barbara”,

“AddressAdminArea”: “CA”,

“AddressPostalCode”: “93101-8207”,

“AddressNoteCodes”: “102,107”,

“AddressNoteDesc”: “IsDeliverable, IsBusinessAddress”,

“EmailCertainty”: “100”,

“EmailQuality”: “Accept”,

“EmailCorrected”: “”,

“EmailNoteCodes”: “101,107”,

“EmailNoteDesc”: “IsGoodMailBox, IsBusinessEmail”,

“IPCertainty”: “100”,

“IPQuality”: “Accept”,

“IPLocality”: “Santa Barbara”,

“IPAdminArea”: “CA”,

“IPCountry”: “US”,

“IPNoteCodes”: “”,

“IPNoteDesc”: “”,

“Phone1Certainty”: “100”,

“Phone1Quality”: “Accept”,

“Phone1Locality”: “Cambria”,

“Phone1AdminArea”: “Ca”,

“Phone1NoteCodes”: “106,111,112”,

“Phone1NoteDesc”: “IsVOIP, IsBusiness, IsPorted”,

“PhoneContact”: {


“Address”: “27 E COTA ST STE 500”,


“State”: “CA”,

“Zip”: “93101-7602”,

“Type”: “BUSINESS”


“BusinessCertainty”: “100”,

“BusinessQuality”: “Accept”,


* some outputs have been removed for brevity

The Impact of Combined Services

Looking at the overall Notes, we can see the power of these combined services working together. The note “IsNamePhoneMatch” indicates that the phone contact that came back with Phone Validation matches the name of the lead. In this case, since we tested a business lead, the service is looking for a match on the business name. Similarly, “IsPhoneAddressMatch” indicates the address that comes back from the phone contact matches the input address information.

The general notes coming back related to email also indicate that all of the data points line up with the email. The following notes, “IsNameEmailMatch, IsPhoneEmailMatch, IsBusinessEmailMatch, IsBusinessGoodEmailMatch, IsNameGoodEmailMatch, IsPhoneContactGoodEmailMatch” show that the input name matches the email box (Alexandra Stuart and astuart), and the output phone contact and the input business name matches the email (Service Objects matches

Not only do the associated data points match up to the email, but the email address itself was also found to be a good and deliverable email. Even if data points match up to the email, if the validity of the email is unknown then there could still be some uncertainty. The last general note code to consider is “IsIPAddressLocationMatchHIGH”. As the note indicates, the IP address location is found to be a very close geographic match to the location of the input address.

This example shows the power behind the rigorous algorithms used in Lead Validation – International to detect matches between data types. While insight can be gathered on individual data types using our a la carte services like Address Validation or Email Validation, combining them in this robust way can generate insights that one might otherwise overlook.

Get in touch

This example of Lead Validation – International showcases its intricate data cross-referencing, revealing accurate connections between various aspects. It demonstrates the power of combining services, providing comprehensive insights that individual analyses might overlook. For further information or inquiries, feel free to contact us.