Note Codes & Descriptions

0AddressMissingIndicates that no address component values were submitted.
1Phone1MissingIndicates that no value for Phone1 was submitted.
2Phone2MissingIndicates that no value for Phone2 was submitted.
3Phone3MissingIndicates that no value for Phone3 was submitted.
4EmailMissingIndicates that no value for Email was submitted.
5IPMissingIndicates that no value for IPAddress was submitted.
6NameMissingIndicates that no name component values were submitted.
7CompanyNameMissingIndicates that no value for CompanyName was submitted.
8CountryMatch_AddressIndicates that the country that best matches the address also matches the best country for the contact.
9CountryMatch_Phone1Indicates that the country that best matches Phone1 also matches the best country for the contact.
10CountryMatch_Phone2Indicates that the country that best matches Phone2 also matches the best country for the contact.
11CountryMatch_Phone3Indicates that the country that best matches Phone2 also matches the best country for the contact.
12CountryMatch_IPIndicates that the country that best matches IPAddress also matches the best country for the contact.
13CountryMatch_EmailIndicates that the country that best matches Email also matches the best country for the contact.
14CountryMatch_NameIndicates that the country that best matches the name also matches the best country for the contact.
15CountryMatch_CompanyNameIndicates that the country that best matches CompanyName also matches the best country for the contact.
16ContactIsInGDPRIndicates that the best country for the contact is subject to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
17AddressIsInGDPRIndicates that the address country is subject to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
18Phone1IsInGDPRIndicates that the Phone1 country is subject to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
19Phone2IsInGDPRIndicates that the Phone2 country is subject to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
20Phone3IsInGDPRIndicates that the Phone3 country is subject to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
21IPAddressIsInGDPRIndicates that the IP address country is subject to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
22EmailIsInGDPRIndicates that the Email country is subject to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
23Phone1DerivedFromLengthIndicates that the Phone1 country was derived from examining the length of the phone number and comparing it against known lengths and formats of other countries.
24Phone2DerivedFromLengthIndicates that the Phone2 country was derived from examining the length of the phone number and comparing it against known lengths and formats of other countries.
25Phone3DerivedFromLengthIndicates that the Phone3 country was derived from examining the length of the phone number and comparing it against known lengths and formats of other countries.

Warning Codes & Descriptions

0NoCountryFoundIndicates that no countries were found for any of the input values and therefore a best country could not be found.
1NoBestMatchFoundIndicates that countries were found for the input values; however, a best country could not be found among them.
2NoCountryFound_AddressIndicates that no countries were found for the address component.
3NoCountryFound_Phone1Indicates that no countries were found for the Phone1 component.
4NoCountryFound_Phone2Indicates that no countries were found for the Phone2 component.
5NoCountryFound_Phone3Indicates that no countries were found for the Phone2 component.
6NoCountryFound_IPIndicates that no countries were found for the IP Address component.
7NoCountryFound_EmailIndicates that no countries were found for the Email component.
8CountryMismatch_AddressIndicates that the Best Country does not match the Address component country.
9CountryMismatch_Phone1Indicates that the Best Country does not match the Phone1 component country.
10CountryMismatch_Phone2Indicates that the Best Country does not match the Phone2 component country.
11CountryMismatch_Phone3Indicates that the Best Country does not match the Phone3 component country.
12CountryMismatch_IPIndicates that the Best Country does not match the IP Address component country.
13CountryMismatch_EmailIndicates that the Best Country does not match the Email component country.